Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Высшее |
2003 |
Name of the scientific degree |
Branch of science |
Graduation Date |
Кандидат |
27/04/2007 |
Prize Name | Date of award |
"Лучший молодой ученый 2008" КазНУ им.аль-Фараби | 31/01/2008 |
Prize Name | Date of award |
Лауреат конкурса Фонда Первого Президента РК - Лидера Нации в области науки и техники | 31/12/2012 |
Лауреат конкурса государственных научных степендий МОН РК 2008-2010гг. | 09/12/2008 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Accounting in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry |
Лекция 3 |
Accounting in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry |
Лекция 6 |
Accounting in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry |
Презентация лекции 8 |
Accounting in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry |
презентация лекции 11 |
Accounting in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry |
презентация лекции 12 |
Accounting in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry |
презентация лекции 13 |
Accounting in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry |
Презентация лекции 14 |
Accounting in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry |
Презентация лекциии 15 |
Accounting in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry |
Книга бухгалтерский учет в туризме |
Accounting in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry |
Лекция 7 |
Accounting in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry |
презентация лекции 10 |
Accounting in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry |
Лекция 1 |
Accounting in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry |
Лекция 2 |
Accounting in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry |
Лекция 4 |
Accounting in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry |
Лекция 5 |
Accounting in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry |
Лекция 9 |
Accounting in A Services Sector and Foreign Trade Activities |
--Лекция 1 |
Accounting in A Services Sector and Foreign Trade Activities |
-Лекция 2 |
Accounting in A Services Sector and Foreign Trade Activities |
-Лекция 3 |
Accounting in A Services Sector and Foreign Trade Activities |
-Лекция 4 |
Accounting in A Services Sector and Foreign Trade Activities |
Лекция 5 |
Accounting in A Services Sector and Foreign Trade Activities |
--Лекция 6(3) |
Accounting in Tourism |
Лекция 1 |
Accounting in Tourism |
Лекция 2 |
Accounting in Tourism |
Лекция 3 |
Accounting in Tourism |
Лекция 4 |
Accounting in Tourism |
Книга бухгалтерский учет в туризме |
Audit and analysis of foreign economic activity |
Авторская книга бухгалтерский учет ВЭД |
Audit and analysis of foreign economic activity |
Лекция 2 |
Audit and analysis of foreign economic activity |
лекция 4 |
Audit and analysis of foreign economic activity |
Лекция 5 |
Audit and analysis of foreign economic activity |
Лекция 6 |
Audit and analysis of foreign economic activity |
Лекция 7 |
Audit and analysis of foreign economic activity |
Лекция 8 |
Analysis of Foreign Economic Activity |
УМК анализ внешнеэкономической деятельности |
Accounting in A Services Sector and Foreign Trade Activities |
-Лекция 7 |
Accounting in A Services Sector and Foreign Trade Activities |
--Лекция 8 |
Accounting in A Services Sector and Foreign Trade Activities |
--Лекция 9 |
Accounting in A Services Sector and Foreign Trade Activities |
---Лекция 10 |
Accounting in A Services Sector and Foreign Trade Activities |
-Лекция 11 |
Accounting in A Services Sector and Foreign Trade Activities |
-Лекция 12 |
Accounting in A Services Sector and Foreign Trade Activities |
--Лекция 13 |
Accounting in A Services Sector and Foreign Trade Activities |
--Лекция 14 |
Accounting in A Services Sector and Foreign Trade Activities |
---Лекция 15 |
Audit and analysis of foreign economic activity |
Лекция 9 |
Audit and analysis of foreign economic activity |
Лекция 10 |
Audit and analysis of foreign economic activity |
Лекция 1 |
Учет и аудит внешнеэкономической деятельности
"Print master" 2010 - г. ISBN 978-601-225-313-9 27 - стр.
Бухгалтерский учет в туризме
Казақ университеті 2017 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-2354-1 11 - стр.
Сборник «Путешествие в стихах», Часть 1.
" Қазақ университеті " 2017 - г. 2 - стр.
IT Governance Mechanisms to Foster Digital Transformation in Higher Education Institutions
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control 2023 - г. 2 - стр.
Conceptual Fundamentals and Indicators of Knowledge Economy
Studies in Critical Social Sciences 2023 - г. 12 - стр.
Possibilities and Threats of Digitalization for Society
Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation 2023 - г. 3 - стр.